Sincroll Drive Technologies
We are developing an innovative gear technology where we use balls rolling without friction as coupling elements to save energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions in the entire machines industry for practically every machine that moves.
Practically every moving machine uses gears [AKA gearboxes, drives, transmissions, actuators etc] and practically all gears lose energy through friction – such as that in tooth gears due to the sliding of the teeth on one another. This loss of energy is a waste of money as it increases operational costs, electricity bills, fuel costs etc and it also results in unnecessary emission of CO2. The gear industry is gigantic, gears are all around us, and therefore the amount of wasted money and CO2 emission are gigantic too. We are targeting to save many hundreds of billions of dollars in energy and fuel costs and many hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 emission every year. Through the reduction of CO2 emission of this magnitude we want to take our part in the fight against climate change.
Solution & Innovation
We are developing an innovative gear technology where we use balls rolling without friction as coupling elements to save energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions in the entire machines industry for practically every machine that moves. This ball-coupling mechanism is fundamentally different from the current state of the art and it changes the game in the entire 500 years old, massively established, mature and obsolete gear industry. Our technology offers a number of unique advantages. For example, besides massively improving energy efficiency resulting in savings in energy costs and CO2 emissions, it also has the capabilities for high gearing ratios (small size and low weight), no backlash (low noise and long life) and backdrivability (force feedback and haptic movement in robots), also less lubrication use (clean and low-cost) and higher flexibility in design (optimisablity).
Business Model
We are selling our IP, know-how and engineering services, making money already and growing. Later, we will start production and sales of gear products for gear users directly. Our target market is gigantic of about $ 200 billion in size as our technology is applicable in all vehicles: land, air, sea and space, robotics, precision and medical equipment, heavy, construction and mining machinery, industrial machines etc – the entire spectrum from tiny wrist watches to massive wind turbines. We sold 1 license and 8 gear solutions to customers so far, made over 60 design studies on customer request and built up a customer base of 1300 companies in 10 industries and 10 countries. We obtained patents in 15 countries, won 350 thousand euros in grants and won 17 innovation awards in China, Germany, Hungary, UK and the EU.
The Ask
We are looking for 1.3 million euros in funding. About a third of this is going to be used in a focused and intensive 18-month long project where we are going to advance further our best four products technologically while working in close collaboration with our best selected customers related in particular to these selected products – and generate revenues quickly. All conditions, such as selected products’ early developments and selected customer relationships and already running collaborations, are already set for this project. The remaining amount of funding is going to be used to prepare the company in general for the medium term, that is, to expand the team both in technology and business development, acquire new equipment and software, and expand marketing and sales – in this way speed up our R&D, customer engineering and sales cycles and scale up our business.

Dr. Bogár founded the company late 2011 and has been the sole owner and CEO ever since. He also is the main expert in the core know-how for the technology and owner of the related patents. Dr. Bogár is involved in practically all activities of the company including development of the fundamental technology, design and engineering, business development, management and operations.
Dr. Bogár got his Ph.D. in Physics from The City University of New York in 1995 and his M.Sc. in Physics from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest in 1988. He worked for 10 years as a research scientist at a number of prominent research institutes and universities in Budapest, New York and Munich in the fields of Quantum and Nonlinear Optics and Laser Physics. Dr. Bogár also lectured as an adjunct professor in Physics and Mathematics at Hunter College in New York from 1990 to 1995.
Following his career in academia, Dr. Bogár switched to Finance and worked for various investment banks in Budapest, London and New York from 1996 to 2009 including Credit Suisse, EBRD, Morgan Stanley and Rabobank. His jobs focused mainly on risk management and quantitative derivatives trading but also on currency options and equity research and sales. Dr. Bogár managed a team of 3 at the EBRD and a team of 6 at Rabobank for 9 years combined, all team members being physics or engineering PhD’s and MSc’s.
Dr. Bogár brings to the company his solid educational background in Physics and Mathematics and his massive experiences in Academia, scientific research and industrial R&D. His further substantial experiences include Finance, Investment and Business Analysis, Business Development and Management, also team building and team management, and experiences in teaching.
Design and Manufacturing
Mr. Homály has been working on sincroll projects since 2013 designing, manufacturing and testing prototypes, developing tools for engineering and design.
Mr. Homály holds two degrees in mechanical engineering, a B.Sc. from Bánki Donát Technical College in Budapest from 2002 and an M.Sc. from Budapest Technical University from 2010. In 2002, Mr. Homály joined Gravitas 2000 Kft. a market leader in high-quality manufacturing in Hungary as a development engineer and has been with the company ever since. He has been leading various projects there, covering everything from design to manufacturing and quality control, producing often highly complex and high precision products for customers.
Mr. Homály brings to sincroll his expertise and broad experiences in construction, design and analysis in mechanical engineering and, in particular, his massive prototyping, testing and manufacturing experiences.

Dr. Kovács has been collaborating with sincroll since 2013 developing the kinematical models and design tools for the core gear mechanism.
Dr. Kovács received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest in 1991 and 1988, respectively. Dr. Kovács conducted fundamental physics research for about 12 years in the areas of statistical physics, chaos and nonlinear phenomena at prominent physics institutes and universities in Budapest and Amsterdam. He also lectured in Physics and Mathematics at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest as an adjunct professor. As a result of a career change in 2000, Dr. Kovács joined Ericsson in Budapest (and partly Stockholm), a leading multinational company in the field of telecommunication, where he has been working as a lead manager on various high-profile development projects ever since.
Dr. Kovács brings to sincroll his solid educational background in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Programming, his experiences in scientific research, academia and university teaching, also his experiences and trainings in R&D, project management and team building and management from a leading high-technology multinational company.
Mr. Ren joined sincroll in 2018 as a manager for the company’s China business development, investor relations, marketing and sales.
Mr. Ren got his Master’s degree in Finance from Imperial College in London in 2008 and his Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering and Business Management from the University of York in 2006. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and also participated in Harvard University’s professional strategic leadership program. Mr. Ren has 11 years of international investment banking experience in securities analysis, structuring, risk management and project management working for Rabobank, Barclays and the HNA Group in London and New York and right now in Hong Kong (HNA). He also has 3 years of experience in innovative technology start-ups in London and Hong Kong.
Mr. Ren adds a broad set of skills to sincroll’s resources including finance, management and strategic leadership, engineering, start-up investments and especially his 11 years of international experience and local knowledge and residence in China.

Mr. Schmidt joined sincroll end of 2019 in business development, finance and sales. He is more closely involved in business development and strategy for the company, also company management, finance and fund raising.
Mr. Schmidt graduated as an Economics MSc from the Budapest University of Economics in 1997. His work experiences include 8 years at Oracle in Hungary, the United Arab Emirates and in the ECEMEA region internationally as a project manager, chief architect and also various managerial roles, plus about 10 years working as CEO, COO, sales director and project manager for various local software and telecom companies, and also about 4 years working as a freelance consultant. Mr. Schmidt was the CEO of the Hungarian Post for 2 years.
Mr. Schmidt contributes to sincroll’s success with his high-profile experiences in top executive level management, strategic planning and business development, also startup company business management and entrepreneurship, human resources, team building and overall company management, also director of sales and services, project management, as well as leveraging on network capital and market contacts and professional relationships.
Business Development & Manufacturing
Mr. Farkas has been involved in the sincroll project for many years as a supporter and advisor but began to work with us on a more formal basis in 2019. He has been working in business development on one hand and on manufacturing on the other.
Mr. Farkas has received his Mechanical Engineering MSc from the Technical University of Miskolc, in Miskolc, Hungary in 1987 and got his MBA from Ashridge Management College in the UK in 1993.
In the first 6 years of his career Mr. Farkas worked as an R&D engineer and project manager for various machine tools and software companies in Hungary and the UK. Later he joined Accenture, where he worked as a management consultant for 12 years and also IBM where he worked as a business consultant for 2 years. Following these jobs Mr. Farkas went to work for the MOL Group the Hungarian oil giant in various managerial roles for 14 years including the head of retail in Hungary, also strategy, supply chain and transformation management, and head of business support and analysis. A couple of years ago Mr. Farkas switched to entrepreneurship and acquired with co-investors a medium size machining company where he also serves as a managing director now. The company is ideally positioned to become the production base for sincroll gear boxes in the near future.
In addition to his mechanical engineering education and technical skills and also his love and enthusiasm for engineering in general, Mr. Farkas brings to sincroll his vast experiences in executive level management, strategic planning and business development, project management, consulting and problem solving. Mr. Farkas’ machining company can potentially form a strategic partnership with the sincroll company for the serial production of sincroll ball gears.

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